Cape San Blas Activities
There are plenty of "easy-going" activities in Gulf County. Our list below is not comprehensive, but instead offers a few places to start. We are providing a list of local businesses that provide some of the most requested services. We don't personally recommend one business over another, because everyone is looking for something a little different. We're just trying to give you some suggestions to see if you can find the one that best suits your needs. Please visit our Gulf County Tourist Development Council website, which serves as the most comprehensive source of area activities: VisitGulf.com - Things To Do
Kayaking & Paddle Boarding:
Happy Ours Kayak and Bike Post - 775 Cape San Blas Road. Will deliver and pick up for an extra fee. 850-229-1991. www.happyourskayak.com
Off the Map Expeditions - Extremely unique kayaking opportunity is an hour drive up to the Dead Lakes in Wewahitchka. Here you can experience a one-of-a-kind eco-adventure filled with incredible scenery and diverse wildlife. Explore with Matt Godwin. 850-819-3053. www.offthemapexpeditions.com.
San Flea Rentals - 4372 Cape San Blas Road. Surrey bikes, kayaks, paddleboards and more, for all your beach fun needs. 850-381-3953. www.sanflearentals.com
St. Joseph Bay Golf Club - Welcomes you as a guest 8 am - 7pm EST (5:30pm winter.) Tee times available but not required. Snacks, sandwiches and a full bar. Driving range, tennis court, putting and chipping green, and a beautiful pool also available. 850-227-1751. www.stjoebaygolf.com
Fishing Charters
Apalachicola Airboat Excursions -(850-273-2852) - www.apalachairboat.com
Apalachicola River Cruises - (850-370-0075) - Captain Gill at http://www.captgill.com
Charisma Charters - (850-648-8211) - Captain Chuck Guilford at www.charismacharters.com
Congo Charters - (850-527-2574) - Captain Earl Middleton at https://www.congocharters.com
Indian Pass Expeditions - (850-227-6271) - Captain Carl Sheline at https://www.facebook.com/indianpassexpeditions
Lady J Charters - (850-227-1200) - Captains Danny & Jacob Tankersley at www.ladyjcharterspsj.com
Perfect Cast Charters - (850-227-5149) - Captain Dan Van Treese at www.perfectcastcharters.com
Saltwater Obsessions - (850-227-6550) - Captain Jordan Todd at https://www.facebook.com/SWOfishing/
St. Vincent Island Charters and Fishing Charters - (850-229-1065) - Captain Joey at www.stvincentisland.com
10G Fishing Charter - (229-869-7024) - Captain Steve Rice at https://www.facebook.com/10G-Fishing-Charter-198868113595097/
Aqua Bear Adventures - Jetty Park Drive. 850-227-8200. https://aquabearadventures.com/
Horseback Riding:
Broke A Toe - 240 Cape San Blas Road. Horseback riding on the beach. 850-899-RIDE (7433). www.brokeatoe.com
Rockin’ M Ranch - Horse rides on the beach. 850-227-6117. www.therockinmranch.com
Happy Ours Kayak and Bike Post - 775 Cape San Blas Road. Will deliver and pick up for an extra fee. 850-229-1991. www.happyourskayak.com
San Flea Rentals - 4372 Cape San Blas Road. Surrey bikes, kayaks, paddleboards and more, for all your beach fun needs. 850-381-3953. www.sanflearentals.com
Marie Stephens Photography: https://www.facebook.com/people/Marie-Stephens-Photography (850) 229-2500
My Key Photography: https://www.mykeyphotography.com (850) 899-7791
LMB Photography: http://www.lynnburgher.com/ (573) 263-8426
Ana Edwards Photography: https://www.anaedwardsphotography.com/Family/Beach-portraits-1 (229) 886-5575