Cape San Blas Restaurants, Shops & More
Laid back is not just a saying, but a way of life in Gulf County. Here we serve up plenty of great food and local flavor in a relaxed atmosphere. We have a great selection of café’s and restaurants offering a variety of cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Seafood is in abundance here. And if you like “sweet” stuff, be sure to try Gulf County’s premier liquid gold – tupelo honey – nature’s wonder food.
Wash your meal down with good drinks, while listening to great music, playing at any number of our local watering holes most weekends – typically outside, under the stars. Doesn’t get much better.
Gulf County also has plenty of shops and boutiques if you fancy a little retail therapy or just want to find a tee shirt or souvenir to take home.
Beach Planet - 4266 Cape San Blas Road. Swimsuits, beach apparel, boogie boards and much more. Seasonal opening hours. 850-229-1515.
Blue Water Outriggers - 121 W. Hwy 98 (Next to Piggly Wiggly). 850-229-1100. www.bluewateroutriggers.com
BrickWall Sports Bar & Grille - 414 Reid Ave. Great food and full bar with plenty of TVs to watch your favorite team. (850) 899-9454. https://www.facebook.com/TheBrickWallPSJ/
Cape San Blas Coffee & Ice Cream - 4975 Cape San Blas Road. (Next to the Cape Tradin’ Post.) All kinds of coffees, ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies, sundaes & floats. 850-229-8875.
Cape Tradin’ Post - 4975 Cape San Blas Road. Groceries (including meat and produce), Liquor, Beer/wine, Ice Cream. Pizza, Subs, Breakfast Sandwiches – all made to order. Apparel, Fishing Supplies, Souvenirs and more! If they don’t have it, you probably don’t need it! 850-229-8775. www.capetradingpost.com
The Cape Smokehouse - 980 Cape San Blas Road. Serving house-smoked pork, ribs, brisket, chicken, fresh sides, & fun. 850-331-1011. https://www.capesmokehouse.com
Coneheads 8020** - 4306 Cape San Blas Road - near the entrance to St. Joseph State Park. Coneheads has great food and now a full bar! Ice Cream available also! Check out their 30E T-shirts! 850-229-5252. www.coneheadseightytwenty.com
Cozy Cafe - 301 Martin Luther King Blvd,, Port St Joe. Authentic Southern home style cooking. 850-899-9046. https://www.facebook.com/CozyCafePSJ/
Dagwoods Delicatessen & Catering - 112 Reid Ave, Port St Joe. Picnic style outside seating or carryout designer sandwiches and more. 850-899-9060. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063641076803
Dollar General Market - 210 Monument Ave (Hwy 98), Port St Joe. Groceries, fresh produce, beer etc. Port St. Joe’s version of a mini Walmart. 850-227-2099.
Duren’s Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store - 125 W Highway 98, Port St Joe. Nearest full service grocery store to the Cape. 850-229-8398. www.durenspigglywiggly.com
Great Wall Chinese Restaurant - 412 Reid Ave, Port St Joe. 850-227-9999. www.greatwalldeliveryfl.com
The Haughty Heron - 117 Sailors Cove Dr, Port St Joe. Full service wine and liquor bar, cigar shop and live music on the patio. 850-229-3463. www.haughtyheron.com
Hunt's on St. Joe Bay - 1937 County Rd 30A. Old Florida family seafood restaurant with a million dollar view. 850-227-2285. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551912774003
Indian Pass Raw Bar - 8391 CR 30A, Indian Pass. Oysters, Shrimp, Crab Legs, Burgers, Beer/Wine. 850-227-1670. www.indianpassrawbar.com
The Italian Kitchen – 101 Monument Ave, Port St Joe. Opening soon.
Joe Mama’s Wood Fired Pizza - 406 Reid Avenue, Port St Joe. Picked as one of America’s 100 Can’t-Miss Pizzerias! Now has a dog friendly patio. 850-229-6262. www.joemamaspizza.com
The Joe in Port Saint Joe - 220 Reid Avenue, Port St Joe. Coffe shop. 850-229-8065. https://www.facebook.com/thejoeinportsaintjoe/
Krazy Fish Grille - 113 Monument Ave, Port St Joe. Sandwich Deli 11am – 2pm, Sushi Bar Thursday - Friday 5pm – 8pm in the Fall. Check website first. 850-229-7878. www.krazyfishgrille.com
The Lighthouse Keepers Bistro - 114 Sailor's Cove Dr. We make everything in-house with love and pasion. 850-227-9872. https://www.keepersbistro.com/
LongBill's - 7650 Cape San Blas Road. LongBills isn’t fast food; it’s fresh food. 850-250-4310. https://www.longbills.com
Paul Gant’s Bar-B-Que - 470 US 98, Port St Joe. Outstanding bar-b-que. Call in orders to go at 850-227-9311 or for catering, call 850-227-1473. Open Thurs-Sat. www.paulgantbbq.com
Peachy’s Beach Eats - 145 Acklins Island Dr (Near the Cape Tradin’ Post.) Real pit BBQ and fun fresh tacos! 850-227-1450. (Open seasonally.) https://www.facebook.com/PeachysBeachEats
Peppers Mexican Grill & Cantina - 224 Reid Ave, Port St Joe. Authentic cuisine. 850-229-8540. https://www.facebook.com/peppersstjoe/
Pomodoro Italian Grill & Bar - 700 County Club Road. Pomodoro offers a quiet & cozy atmosphere, perfect for a casual meal or special occasion. With both indoor & outdoor dining available, and a creative menu that blends pastas, steaks, and more. 850-227-3427. https://www.facebook.com/pomodoroitaliangrillandbar.psj
Provisions - 222 Reid Ave, Port St Joe. Delicious food and a fantastic atmosphere. 850-229-9200. www.provisionsfl.com
Quatro Locos Tacos and Cantina - 301 Monument Ave, Port St Joe. Fresh authentic Mexican food. Full bar. Pet friendly on the patio. 850-899-9014. https://www.facebook.com/QuatroLocosPSJ/
Reid Avenue - “The Main Drag” in Port St Joe offers a number of shops, boutiques, spas, salons, and a little bit of everything. This is a great place to stroll around and while away an afternoon if you’re looking for a break from the beach.
Sand Dollar Café - 301 B Monument Ave, Port St Joe. Open 7am – 3 pm for breakfast and lunch. Closed Tuesday. Their motto is “Fuel for the Soul”. Great southern style food! Tell Alex we sent you! 850-227-4865. www.sanddollarcafepsj.com
Scallop Cove General Store & Gas Station - 4306 Cape San Blas Rd. Groceries, Beer/wine, Ice Cream, Pizza, Subs, Souvenirs, Live Bait & Tackle, Rentals of all types (chairs & umbrella, paddle boards, canoes, kayaks, bicycles, fishing tackle and beach equipment - delivery available). Onsite coin laundry. Official Growler Station of the Cape. 850-227-1573. www.scallopcove.com
Scallop Cove Too - Located in the St. Joseph State Park. Snacks, ice cream and souvenirs. Pontoon Boats also available to rent in the park. Call for reservations. 850-229-1188. www.scallopcove.com
Scallop RePUBlic - The place to kick back and enjoy great craft beer and wine on tap, yes wine on tap!! Live music most days! Play a friendly game of darts, join in on open mic nights – all levels welcome. Open every day! Food not served but you are welcome to bring your own! 850-227-9009. www.scalloprepublic.com
The Shack - 405 Baltzell Avenue, Port St Joe. Breakfast, lunch & dinner - open 7 days a week. 850-227-1266. https://www.facebook.com/scooterschickenandmore/
Shipwreck Raw Bar - 7008 W Hwy 98, Port St Joe. 850-647-5050. https://www.shipwreckrawbar.com
Shoobies Frozen Treats - (Near the Cape Tradin’ Post.) Seasonal Hours. 850-705-1555. https://shoobies.us
Sisters' Bistro Restaurant - 236 Reid Ave. Port St Joe. 850-229-7121. https://www.facebook.com/SistersBistro-102394045671585/
Skully’s - 5544 Cape San Blas Road. Low Country Boil, Outdoor picnic tables or carry out. 850-227-7011. https://www.facebook.com/Skullys-Low-Country-Boil-572863729549798/
St Joe Rent All - 706 First Street, Port St Joe. Golf Cart Rentals/U Hauls and more. 850-227-2112. www.sjrans.com
St Joe Shrimp Company Seafood Market - 5025 Cape San Blas Road. (Next to the Cape Tradin’ Post.) Have them steam fresh shrimp or any of their fresh fish for you. Or pick up some shrimp or tuna dip, you won’t find better! They also have souvenirs. 850-229-6774. www.facebook.com/stjoeshrimp
Sunbird Yoga - 4664 Cape San Blas Rd. Now open on the Cape, with classes daily. The facility offers both indoor and outdoor yoga spaces overlooking one of the Cape's most beautiful and peaceful natural water venues. Call Adelia Gibson, RYT at 850-340-1103.
T.I.G.F. (This Is Garden Food) - 210 Williams Ave, Port St Joe. Tasty and homemade food. 850-899-9045. https://thisisgardenfood.com
Tortuga Moon - 8020 Cape San Blas Road. (Next to Peachy's and Cape Tradin' Post.) Apparel. 10% of profits go to the Sea Turtle Conservancy. 888-777-0842. https://tortugamoon.com
Uptown Raw Bar & Grill - 411 Reid Avenue, Port St Joe. Laid-back establishment serving steamed, raw, grilled & baked seafood dishes, raw oysters, steaks & more. 850-899-9001. https://www.uptownrawbarandgrill.com
The View on Old 98. (Windmark) - 51 Goodmorning St, Suite R-103, Port St Joe. 850-247-0317. https://theviewonold98.com
Webers Little Donut Shop!!! (Next to the Cape Tradin’ Post.) What can we say! Get there early!! 7:30am until sold out or worn out! You’re on vacation…eat as many as you like! Yes - they are that good! And you’ll love Peggy & Glenn as much as the donuts! https://www.facebook.com/WeberLittleDonutShopCapeSanBlas/
The White Marlin - 602 Monument Ave, Port St. Joe. 850-308-0938. Our food is deceptively simple, but yet artfully crafted. https://thewhitemarlin.net/
Your Table Your Chef - Why dine out when a private chef can come to you! 850-329-0544. www.yourtableyourchef.com